Course Overview

The Business Model Canvas is a tool invented by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in their influential book "Business Model Generation. It is a business tool used to visualise all the building blocks of a business. This visualisation helps to answer the question, Does my business idea make sense?. It is an ideal tool for an ongoing feasibility analysis of your business ideas.


The first part of the course focuses on the interpretation of the nine building blocks of the Business Model Canvas and the relationships between them. The second part of the course allows learners to apply their learning through the conceptualisation of their business model using the canvas. By doing so, learners gain clarity on how all the elements of their business work together for it to remain viable. Learners will also learn how they can use the canvas for an iteration of ideas through a critical evaluation of their business models.


Who Should Attend

Professionals who have intentions to start a business or will like to innovate their business ideas.


Course Duration

8 Hours| 1 Day : Facilitated Classroom


Course Outline

Unit 1: Understanding the different components of BMC and how they relate to each other

  • Nine building blocks of BMC
  • Relationship between the blocks.

Unit 2: Application of Business Model Canvas

  • Business Model Canvas conceptualisation
  • 7 measures to evaluate a Business Model


Mode of Assessment

Participants will be assessed through course written assessment exercises.


More Information
  • (Local Institution) NTUC LearningHub
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