1. Awareness on Workplace Harassment (4 hrs)
- Types of Workplace Harassment (focus on verbal and non-verbal communication causing harassment, alarm and distress, racial and gender discrimination, cyber bullying, stalking and sexual harassment)
- Responses to Workplace Harassment
2. Managing Workplace Harassment (4 hrs)
- Managing Workplace Harassment
- Reaching out and supporting the ‘victim’
- Referring ‘victim’ for professional help
- Minimum secondary 2 education
If you have the following competency ratings from the Employability Skills are eligible:
- Listening/Speaking Min. Level 4
- Reading/Writing Min. Level 4
- Numeracy Min. Level 4
Course Outline
Awareness of Workplace Harassment
- What is Workplace Harassment?
- Different types of Workplace Harassment
- Protection from Harassment Act
- Causing harassment, alarm and distress
- Causing fear or provocation of violence
- Unlawful stalking
- Doxxing
- Penalties and Liability under POHA for Acts of Harassment in Singapore
- Other Remedies Provided under the POHA
- Remedies for victims of harassment e.g. Protection Order
- Remedies for victims of falsehood e.g. Stop publication order
- The Protection from Harassment Courts e.g. For claims of damages up to $20,000 and applications for POs
- Common Myths about Workplace Harassment and Why It Should be Addressed.
- Real Cases – For Discussion
- Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE) - Workplace Harassment and Sexual Assault Advisory
- What Affected Persons Can Do
- Taking Charge of Yourself
- Responding to Harassment
- Dealing with harassment yourself
- Getting formal and informal help
- Going to the Court or Police
Managing of Workplace Harassment
- Core Values of Organization
- Principles to Guide Employers/ Leaders in Managing Workplace Harassment
- What Employers/Leaders Can Do
- Develop a harassment prevention policy
- Provide information and training on Workplace Harassment
- Organization roles in managing harassment at the workplace
- Measures to prevent harassment by external customers/clients
- Implement reporting and response procedures
Certificate Obtained and Conferred by
Statement of Attainment (SOA) from NTUC LearningHub will be issued for each module graded competent.
More Information
- NTUC LearningHub
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