The objective of this course is to provide learners with Adobe Illustrator knowledge and skills using vector-based drawing software. Learning the basics, providing countless tips and techniques to help you harness Illustrator's powerful design tools to create breath taking works of art.
- Basic English Proficiency and Computer Literacy
- Participants must have working knowledge of Windows 10 Operating system, how to use a mouse, standard menus and commands, how to open, save, and close files.
- Able to follow basic instruction of copy and pasting files. Saving, renaming, deleting of files.
- Familiarity with IT terminology and Creative related work experience are recommended.
Course Outline
Module 1: Project Planning
- Who You are Talking for and Who You are Talking to
- Discovering Client Goals
- Finding the Target Audience
- The Golden Rule for Client Work
- Make use of the resources
- Think
- Pick and Plan
- Feedback Loop
Module 2: The Principles of design
- The Principles of Emphasis or Focal Point
- The Principles of Contrast
- The Principles of Unity
- The Principles of Variety
- The Principles of Balance
- The Principles of Proportion or Scale
- The Principles of Repetition and Pattern
- The Principles of Movement and Rhythm
- Avoid the clichs (copyright issue)
Module 3: Document setup and working with Artboard for design
- Create a new document
- Arranging multiple documents
- Exploring the workspace
- Changing the view of artwork
- Navigating multiple artboards
- Using the artboards panel
- Working with artboards
Module 4: Working with Layers for design
- Understanding layers
- Creating Layers and sublayers
- Editing Layers and objects
Module 5: Types of drawing tools for design
- Drawing with basic shapes tools
- Drawing lines
- Drawing with the Pen tool
- Drawing with the Pencil tool
- Drawing with the Curvature tool
- Joining with the Join tool
- Editing and Combining Shapes and Paths
- Drawing with the Brushes tool
Module 6: Techniques for selecting artwork
- Selection objects
- Transforming content
- Aligning objects
- Working with groups
- Exploring object arrangement
Module 7: Placing raster images and converting raster images into vector artwork for design
- Placing raster image files
- Working with image links
- Masking images
- Converting raster images to editable vector using Image Trace
Module 8: Using Colour, Colour Gradients, Live Paint and Patterns to enhance the design
- Exploring colour modes
- Working with Colour
- Working with Live Paint
- Creating Patterns
Module 9: Creative uses of Effects, Graphic Styles and apply Symbols for design
- Using the Appearance panel
- Using the Live Effects
- Applying a Photoshop Effect
- Using Graphic Styles
- Working with Blended objects
- Working with Symbols
Module 10: Working Type for design
- Adding type
- Formatting type
- Resizing and reshaping type object
- Wrapping text
- Warping text
- Working with type on a path
- Creating text outlines
Module 11: Preparing production design materials or documents for print and web
- Packaging a file
- Creating a PDF
- Creating pixel perfect drawing
- Exporting artboards
Certificate Obtained and Conferred by
- Electronic Certificate of Completion from NTUC LearningHub
Upon meeting at least 75% attendance and passing the assessment(s), participants will receive e-Certificate of Completion from NTUC LearningHub
- Statement of Attainment from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
Upon meeting at least 75% attendance and passing the assessment(s), Statement of Attainment (SOAs) will be issued by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) to certify that the participant has achieved the following Competency Standard(s):
- MED-MPN-3028-1.1 – Production Design and Art
More Information
- NTUC LearningHub
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