Procurement functions are viewed as high risk for corruption and fraud. Hence, corporate governance would put controls and checks in place to mitigate this business risk. In addition, procurement decisions have ripple effect across the supply chain. Stakeholders are more aware of the impact of procurement decisions to economic, social and environmental aspects. This course is aimed to allow procurement and supply chain individuals to gain knowledge on ethical procurement, procurement code of conduct, business integrity and anti-bribery management system.
- Learners are assumed to able to speak, listen, write and read English proficiently.
- Communicate information effectively and work in a team.
- Understand and apply factual and procedural knowledge.
- Apply basic cognitive and technical skills to carry out defined tasks and solve routine problems using simple procedures and tools.
- Use limited discretion in resolving issues or enquiries
Certificate Obtained and Conferred by
e-Certificate of Participation will be issued to the participants who meet the attendance requirement
More Information
- NTUC LearningHub
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