This course is designed to equip participants in the built environment sector with essential skills and knowledge to navigate the challenges posed by disruptive technologies, such as Generative AI, 3D printing, data analytics, cybersecurity risks, and automation.
Through engaging practical exercises and interactive sessions, participants will gain hands-on experience and understanding of various topics, including in-demand digital tools, automation, data analytics, and cybersecurity, all of which can be applied in both personal and professional settings.
To enrich your learning experience, this programme embraces a blended learning approach. As a participant, you will be provided with a 1-year subscription to NTUC LearningHub’s Learning eXperience Platform (LXP), an online learning mobile application featuring bite-sized courses that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. A portion of the class will be conducted via the app, introducing micro-learning to maximise your learning potential.
Upon completion of the course, participants will also receive a joint certificate of completion issued by ICDL and NTUC LearningHub.
Course Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Experience and understand the latest in-demand digital tools, such as ChatGPT and Metaverse.
- Apply automation techniques to reduce manual intervention and streamline workflows
- Understand and appreciate how data analytics and visualisation lead to practical insights
- Apply best practices to identify and protect against latest cybersecurity threats in personal and professional settings
The admission requirements are:
- Possess an active personal Gmail Account, which will be used in class for activities
Course Outline
Module 1: In-demand Digital Tools
- Introduction to the latest digital tools and technologies
- Creating AR objects and exploring Metaverse
- Using ChatGPT to enhance communication and productivity
- Experience rapid 3D prototyping
Module 2: Automation
- Introduction to automation and its benefits
- Reducing manual intervention in daily lives
- Experience hardware automation through robotics and block coding
- Experience software automation with simple low-code, no-code programming
Module 3: Data Analytics
- Introduction to data analytics and its applications
- Understand how Machine Learning using Artificial Intelligence helps in analysing data
- Exploring data visualization techniques to better understand trends and patterns
- Understanding how to use data analytics to make data-driven decisions
Module 4: Cybersecurity risks
- Introduction to cybersecurity and its importance in the digital workplace
- Experience being hacked – play a part in cyber-attacks
- Understanding how vulnerabilities are found and how to mitigate them
- Exploring how cyber criminals carry out cyber-attacks
Certificate Obtained and Conferred by
Upon meeting the attendance and assessment(s) criteria, participants will be awarded with a digital Certificate of Completion jointly issued by ICDL and NTUC LearningHub.
More Information
- NTUC LearningHub
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