NTUC LearningHub

The course enables trainees to Interpret legal and licensing requirements to operate security agency, implement agencys rights and obligations as employer of security personnel, implement agencys obligations to clients intellectual property, analyze legal implications in common premises where security personnel are deployed and apply understanding of security agencys legal powers, rights and responsibilities at work.



  • Obtained Advanced Certificate in Security Supervision and at least a “N” level educational qualification


  • At least an “O” level educational qualification with at least 2 years of working experience


  • Participants with the following competency ratings from the Employability Skills are eligible:
    • Listening/Speaking Min. Level 7
    • Reading/Writing Min. Level 7
    • Numeracy Min. Level 7


  • Laptop required for Project work


Course Outline


Interpret legal and licensing requirements to operate security agency

  • Demonstrate understanding and complying with statutory and legal framework to provide quality security services to clients including meeting eligibility requirements and relevant legislation that govern operation of security agency
  • Identify security agencys obligation to fulfill security services contractual requirements
  • Plan to fulfill obligations as stipulated in security services contractual requirements

Implement agencys rights and obligations as employer of security personnel

  • Ascertain statutory and regulatory requirements relating to recruitment and selection of manpower
  • Remunerate security personnel appropriately as stated in the terms of employment contract with security personnel
  • Provide adequate employment entitlement to security personnel in line with Employment Act
  • Provide basic working conditions and welfare to security personnel in line with Employment Act
  • Establish circumstances for disciplinary procedures / termination of contract / dismissal of security personnel in line with Employment Act
  • Review periodically to ensure security personnels rights and obligations are fulfilled according to employment contract. In the event of problems arising from non-conformance, take appropriate actions to address situations according to organisational procedures

Implement agencys obligation to clients intellectual property

  • Identify circumstances where clients intellectual property is to be protected
  • Evaluate risks associated with managing clients intellectual property
  • Develop strategies to address identified risk factors. Strategies implemented to fulfil security agencys obligations to clients requirements are within statutory and regulatory requirements
  • Carry out security agencys obligation to protect clients intellectual property

Analyse legal implications in common types of premises where security personnel are deployed

  • Identify common scenarios faced in different types of premises
  • Establish rights and duties of occupiers of premises under common law and legislation and role of security agency in supporting occupiers
  • Deploy security personnel to respective clients premises

Apply understanding of security agencys legal powers, rights and responsibilities at work

  • Demonstrate understanding of security agencys authority, rights and responsibilities towards public
  • Identify consequences of exceeding security agencys legal authorities when dealing with public
  • Interpret penal code offences
  • Interpret criminal procedure code for handling suspects committing criminal and civil offences at work premises
  • Demonstrate understanding of relevant parts of security-related general law that facilitate in managing security personnel at work
  • Identify security personnels accountability and limits of authority when carrying out duties
  • Demonstrate understanding of circumstances in which agency is liable for civil liabilities


Certificate Obtained and Conferred by


Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) will be issued for each module graded competent. SOA reflected as SEC-SOP-4011-1.1 Security Operations.

More Information
  • NTUC LearningHub
Sponsored Content
  • Devan Nair Institute (e2i), Jurong East St 21, Singapore, South West Community Development Council 609607

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