This course enables trainees to develop a set of skills and knowledge to conduct an effective security risk assessment, and recommend a set of security risk control measures. Trainees will be able to assess security risks, prepare security risk management plan, develop and implement a set of risk control measures as well as evaluate security risk control measures.
These are the admission requirements:
- Obtained Advanced Certificate in Security Supervision and at least a “N” level educational qualification
- At least an “O” level educational qualification with at least 2 years of working experience
- Participants with the following competency ratings from the Employability Skills are eligible:
- Listening/Speaking Min. Level 7
- Reading/Writing Min. Level 7
- Numeracy Min. Level 7
- Latop required for Project work
Course Outline
Assess Potential Security Risks
- Identify potential risks affecting client security using available organisational, industry and public information sources and assess against likelihood of occurrence
- Assess risks based on accurate and current understanding of clients operating environment
- Determine risk potential by assessing valid and relevant data consistent with organisational requirements
Prepare Security Risk Management Plan
- Develop structured action plan which identifies key roles and responsibilities associated with implementation are adequate and available within specified timelines
- Check resources required for implementation are adequate and available within specified timelines
- Identify types of risk incorporated into security planning process
- Develop contingencies for occurrence or identified risks and incorporate into plans
- Assess timelines and objectives in security risk management plan against own organisational processes and requirements
- Dissemination accurate information related to conduct of plan promptly using established channels for communicating and reporting which maintain plans in line with client requirements
- Gather all relevant information using relevant checklists and documents with established formats to ensure focus on key activities in risk management is in accordance with client and organisational requirements
- Document & report nature, causes and incidence of security risks, security risk occurrences and any contingencies/ corrective measures taken in structured and clear manner using established formats
- Established feedback & monitoring mechanisms/ review procedures to ensure continuous improvement in accordance with client and organisational requirements
- Review project planning requirements to determine availability of required resources and expertise
- Present plan to client or authorised representative for review and approval in accordance with organisational procedures
Develop Security Risk Control Measures
- Identify clearly, rank/ prioritise and link nature and causes of risks to facilitate development of appropriate risk control measures
- Identify, review and link operating environment including potential changes to real and potential risks, threats and risk control measures
- Assess existing risk control measures to determine impact on risk occurrence
- Identify any additions, improvements or modifications to risk control measures
- Select risk control measures in line with organisational practice, and identify and clarify implications of risk control measures approved by client
- Document and cost risk control measures to ensure feasibility and compatibility with nature of risk and client requirements
- Field-test risk control measures to determine applicability in field and statistically analyse results where possible
Implement Security Risk Control Measures
- Obtain relevant and regular feedback from clients and security personnel on effectiveness of risk control measures
- Cost in long & short-term risk control measures to ensure accurate estimates of required resources for security risk management plan implementation
- Address any discrepancies between risk control measures and risk incidences in accordance with organisational and client requirements and select modified risk control measures based on assessed effectiveness across full range of potential risks and prioritised according to defined criteria, which comply with all legislative requirements
- Check risk control measures are documented and supported by suitable agreed organisational guidelines
- Ascertain stages of implementation and organise available, adequate and relevant resources to ensure successful implementation
Evaluate Security Risk Control Measures
- Evaluate effectiveness of risk control measures using relevant evaluation criteria consistent with industry practice & available evidence sources
- Monitor any emerging security risk to ensure continued suitability of security risk management plan
- Monitor changes to operating environment and security risks and threats
- Review & evaluate targets and outcomes periodically to ensure achievement of risk management objectives
- Identify & implement corrective measures in accordance with organisational procedures
Present Report
- Prepare and present report outlining findings and recommended risk control measures
- Check analysis and recommendations are clear and consistent with terms of reference and organisational requirements
- Use effectiveness interpersonal skills to enhance client understanding and acceptance of recommended options
- Provide client with clear and concise information outlining possible consequences of not implementing recommended measures
Certificate Obtained and Conferred by
Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) will be issued for each module graded competent. SOA reflected as SEC-SOP-4003-1.1 Contingency Management.
More Information
- NTUC LearningHub
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