NTUC LearningHub

This course equips the security personnel with knowledge and skills to be able to perform supervisory duties within legal framework and apply them to the workplace.




Participants with the following competency ratings from the Employability Skills are eligible:

  • Listening/Speaking   Min. Level 5
  • Reading/Writing   Min. Level 5
  • Numeracy  Min Level 5


Course Outline


Interpret job roles and responsibilities of security supervisor

  • Identify security supervisors job roles and responsibilities, and key security personnel working within security agency
  • Confirm written employment contract with employer
  • Work within security agencies specified code of conduct
  • Articulate the statutory and legal framework governing security industry and demonstrate ability to facilitate security agency compliance with the Private Security Act

Apply understanding of contractual agreement to delivery quality security services

  • Interpret employers contract for security services correctly to carry out security services effectively in clients premises
  • Comprehend common terms in contract for security services with client
  • Identify areas in security agencies omissions & security officers behaviour that might cause liquidated damages
  • Communicate regularly with security officers the consequences & impact of security officers misconduct & negligence at clients premises
  • Ensure security officers deliver quality security services to client according to organisational procedures & contractual agreement

Demonstrate ability to protect clients interests

  • Identify the scope of work of security officers and constraints in carrying out their job roles & responsibilities in different premises
  • Understand security officers duty to protect clients rights & interests
  • Work is carried out according to security agencys expectations
  • Recognize specific situations in the security services contract with client where clients rights & interests are compromised as stated
  • Take appropriate actions to address problems within supervisors roles and responsibilities according to organisational procedures

Apply understanding of security supervisors legal rights and responsibilities at workplace

  • Interpret penal code offences
  • Interpret criminal procedure code for handling suspects committing criminal and civil offences at work premises
  • Demonstrate understanding of the relevant parts of security-related general law that facilitate in supervising security officers at work
  • Identify security supervisors and security officers accountability and limits of authority when dealing with suspects
  • Understand circumstances in which a security supervisor and security officer are liable for civil liabilities when crossing the boundaries of limits of authorities in dealing with suspects
  • Explain how the security supervisor can prevent civil liabilities
  • Supervise security officers in carrying out their job roles and responsibilities according to organisational procedures & legal requirements. In the event of problems arising at work, take appropriate


Certificate Obtained and Conferred by


Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) will be issued for each module graded competent. SOA reflected as SEC-SOP-3011-1.1 Security Operation Compliance.

More Information
  • NTUC LearningHub
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  • NTUC Trade Union House, 73 Bras Basah Road. S.189556, Singapore, Central Singapore Community Development Council 189556

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