By the end of this course, participants will have achieved the following objectives:
- Comprehend operational necessities during security incidents.
- Effectively manage incidents involving suspected offenses, adhering to organizational protocols.
- Proficiently address fire outbreaks in accordance with organizational guidelines.
- Skillfully manage situations involving specific bomb threats, especially when the location of suspicious items is known, following organizational procedures.
- Report security incidents promptly to the appropriate authorities.
To be eligible for this course, applicants must meet one of the following requirements:
- Minimum secondary 2 education
- Attain the following competency ratings from the Employability Skills:
- Listening / Speaking: Minimum Level 4
- Reading / Writing: Minimum Level 4
- Numeracy: Minimum Level 4
- You will need to own a Smartphone with internet connection and QR code scanner function (this shall be used during the POLWEL assessment)
Course Outline
Learning Unit 1: Understanding Security Incidents and Services
- Operating Environment
- Incident Response
- Preventive Actions
Learning Unit 2: Respond to Security Incidents
- Principles of Fire
- Handle Fire Outbreak
- Responding and Handling to Incidents involving Crime
- Handle Bomb Threats
Learning Unit 3: Report Security Incidents
- Reporting Security Incidents to Relevant Parties
- Handle Disorderly and Unacceptable Behaviour
Certificate Obtained and Conferred by
Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) will be issued for each module graded competent. SOA reflected as SEC-ICM-1003-1.1 Incident Response.
More Information
- NTUC LearningHub
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