NTUC LearningHub

At the end of the programme, you will be able to:

  1. Select appropriate approaches to communicate ideas in an effective manner
  2. Identify and implement specific ways to encourage responses from communicating parties
  3. Substantiate or challenge viewpoints using a logical approach
  4. Exchange ideas until outcomes are reached




Recommended minimum English proficiency level equivalent to the Employability Skills Workforce skills Qualifications (ES WSQ) Workplace Literacy Level 4.

Course Outline


Unit 1: Planning

  • Selecting appropriate approaches to communicate ideas, such as presentations, discussions, conversations and stories
  • Clarifying the items for discussion, such as its benefits, implications and challenges
  • Understanding individuals to discuss ideas with, such as colleagues, team members
  • Manage factors to consider when selecting best approaches to communicate ideas, such as objectives, intended audience needs and preferences, ethical considerations

Unit 2: Implementing

  • Ways to encourage responses, such as engaging objects to explain ideas, thought-provoking questions, break-out sessions, personal experiences
  • Modes of communication, such as face-to-face, teleconference, video conference, electronic
  • Techniques of engaging others, such as the use of positive body language, active listening, strategic pausing, relevant examples and stories

Unit 3: Engaging

  • Logical approach involving opening discussion with own point of view, presenting history and background to argument, establishing common ground between parties, acknowledging the other parties views and refute if necessary, releasing points in a progressively convincing order, concluding with summary of viewpoints
  • Achieving outcomes such as consensus, compromise or agreement
  • Substantiate positions that are based on research, have been thought out in a logical manner, have been reviewed and scrutinised by others


Certificate Obtained and Conferred by


Participants who have successfully demonstrated competence in all the knowledge and skills requirements in this programme will be awarded a Statement of Attainment (SOA) by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). This programme is offered on a modular basis only.

  • Mapped to WSQ Articulate & Discuss Ideas
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  • NTUC LearningHub
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